Archive for 2007

Index of blog posts from 2007

Power washer

Power washer

New York, NY, USA

Photographs of the power-washing of 188 Suffolk Street, Manhattan.

power washing, Lower East Side, working at heights


New York, NY, USA is back after being temporarily knocked offline by a DDoS attack.

DDoS, denial of service

Britain from the air

Britain from the air

Cumbria, UK

Aerial photographs of snow-covered landscapes in the north of England.

aerial photography, snow, Lake District, Cumbria, UK

East London

East London

London, UK

Walking around East London before the Olympic bulldozers move in.

East London, UK, Lea Valley

February snow

February snow

New York, USA

Photographs taken in New York during a brief spell of snowy weather.

New York, snow, blizzards

Chinese New Year Parade 2007

Chinese New Year Parade 2007

New York, NY, USA

Gung hei faat choi. It's the Year of the Pig.

New York, Chinese New Year, Chinatown, parades

Dissenting opinion

Dissenting opinion

New York, USA

Vandals have taken to defacing anti-authoritarian wall art in my neighborhood.

New York, Shepard Fairey, wheatpastes, wall art, vandalism

Lunar Eclipse 2007

Lunar Eclipse 2007

New York, USA

A few photographs of the March 3rd lunar eclipse, taken from New York.

lunar eclipses, eclipses, The Moon


New York, USA

One more trip around the Sun.

anniversaries, birthdays

Police and fire

Police and fire

New York, USA

Drama - and a touch of farce - on the streets of New York.

NYPD, NYPD ESU, FDNY, police, firefighters

MoDo madness

MoDo madness

New York, USA

The mourning doves have landed, and the cat is going insane.

mourning doves, birds, cats

Great Saunter 2007

Great Saunter 2007

New York, USA

Here we go round the island of Manhattan with the Shorewalkers again.

Great Saunter, Shorewalkers, hiking, New York

Dance Parade 2007

Dance Parade 2007

New York, USA

New York's Dance Parade features every kind of dance and dancer.

dance, Dance Parade, New York

(It's a) Burning car

(It's a) Burning car

New York, USA

A car spontaneously combusts in the street outside my office.

fires, firefighters



Sarasota, FL, USA

TonmoCon was held in Sarasota, FL, this year.

manatees, birds, Florida

Reverend Billy

Reverend Billy

New York, NY, USA

Reverend Billy has been arrested for annoying the cops.

protest, Reverend Billy

Fourth of July 2007

Fourth of July 2007

New York, NY, USA

Taking pictures of the 4th of July fireworks on the Lower East Side.

fireworks, Independence Day, 4th of July


I've just finished revising a couple of websites that I manage.


Feast of San Gennaro

Feast of San Gennaro

New York, NY, USA

The Festa di San Gennaro comes back to Little Italy.

fairs, Little Italy, San Gennaro

Photo exhibition

Photo exhibition

New York, NY, USA

Some photographs taken during a recent photography course.

photography, street photography


New York, NY, USA

De-icing valves - can't live with them, can't cross the Atlantic without them.

travel, valves, delays



Istanbul, Turkey

Photographs taken during a stopover in Istanbul.

Istanbul, Turkey


Heathrow Airport, UK

The Curse of Heathrow Airport strikes again, and my bag fails to make the flight.

lost luggage, Heathrow

Tavildara Road

Tavildara Road

Karategin, Tajikistan

Taking the old road from Dushanbe to Khorog.

Tavildara Road, Karategin, landscapes

Howo Kush

Howo Kush

Kalai Khumb, Gorno-Badakshan, Tajikistan

Strange things happen on the road from Kalai Khumb to Khorog.

Tajikistan, trucks, accidents

Wakhan Valley

Wakhan Valley

Wakhan Valley, Gorno-Badakshan, Tajikistan

Pictures taken in the Wakhan Valley, Gorno-Badakshan Autonomous Oblast, Tajikistan.

Wakhan Valley, Gorno-Badakshan, Pamirs

Bibi Fatima

Vichkut, Gorno-Badakshan, Tajikistan

A visit to the hot springs of Bibi Fatima in the Wakhan Valley, Tajikistan.

Wakhan Valley, hot springs, fertility rituals

In the Pamirs

In the Pamirs

Gorno-Badakshan, Tajikistan

Driving up into the Pamirs via the Khargush Pass.

Gorno-Badakshan, Pamirs, mountains, deserts


Gorno-Badakshan, Tajikistan

Chance encounters in the Pamiri desert.

Gorno-Badakshan, Pamirs, checkpoints, soldiers

Pamir Highway

Pamir Highway

Wakhan Valley, Gorno-Badakshan, Tajikistan

Photographs taken on the Pamir Highway, east of Khorog.

Pamir Highway, Gorno-Badakshan, Pamirs

The view from Bulunkul

The view from Bulunkul

Bulunkul,Gorno-Badakshan, Tajikistan

Bulunkul has dry earth, a handful of houses, and no obvious future.

Gorno-Badakshan, Pamirs, Bulunkul, yaks

The road back to Dushanbe

The road back to Dushanbe

Gorno-Badakshan, Tajikistan

Photographs taken on the Tavildara Road, between Khorog and Dushanbe.

Tavildara Road, Gorno-Badakshan, tanks



Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Photographs of daily life in Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan.

Dushanbe, markets

The Gray Plague

The Gray Plague

Dushanbe, Tajikistan

The police are everywhere in Dushanbe ... and they have too much time on their hands.

Dushanbe, Tajikistan, police

Over the Fann

Over the Fann

Panjakent, Sughd, Tajikistan

It's a long way to Panjakent when the Chinese are blowing up the pass.

Fann Mountains, Fannsky Gory, Sughd, taxis, Tajikistan

Around Panjakent

Around Panjakent

Panjakent, Sughd, Tajikistan

Photographs from Panjakent and the Marguzor Lakes.

Fan Mountains, Panjakent, Marguzor Lakes, mountains

A tale of two trucks

A tale of two trucks

Panjikent, Zerafshan, Tajikistan

An early morning ride to Artush in convoy.

Fan Mountains, Fannsky Gory, Zerafshan, trucks, Tajikistan

Strange days indeed

Strange days indeed

Anzob Pass, Tajikistan

There are moments when life gets strange and you just have to go with it.

Anzob Tunnel, Anzob Pass

Halloween Parade 2007

Halloween Parade 2007

New York, NY, USA

Photographs of New York's 2007 Halloween Parade.

Halloween, costumes, parades, New York

Portrait of an underachiever

New York, NY, USA

It's November again, and that means it's novel-writing time.

NaNoWriMo, writing, fiction

Fire on the Bowery

Fire on the Bowery

New York, NY, USA

Photographs of firefighters at a fire in a lighting store on the Bowery.

fires, FDNY, New York



Two pictures of unusual atmospheric phenomena - an 'ice halo' and a 'fallstreak hole'.

ice halos, hole punch clouds, clouds, atmospheric phenomena

Pakistan from the air

Pakistan from the air


Aerial photographs of landscapes in Sindh and Balochistan.

Pakistan, aerial photography, deserts, landscapes

Juhu Beach

Juhu Beach

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Photographs from Juhu Beach, northern Mumbai.

Mumbai, Juhu Beach, beaches