Archive for 2023

Index of blog posts from 2023

Marine Park

Marine Park

New York, NY, USA

Photographs from Marine Park in Brooklyn.

Marine Park, parks, birds



New York, NY, USA

There will be no more crab songs at bedtime.

Sin, obituaries, pets, cats

Chinese New Year Parade 2023

Chinese New Year Parade 2023

New York, NY, USA

Photographs of New York's 2023 Chinese New Year parade.

Chinese New Year, parades, New York

An unexpected visitor

An unexpected visitor

New York, NY, USA

Look who dropped in for breakfast

red-tailed hawks, birds, closeups

Good Friday procession 2023

Good Friday procession 2023

New York, NY, USA

Photographs of a Good Friday procession on the Lower East Side, Manhattan.

Good Friday, processions, Lower East Side

Great Saunter 2023

Great Saunter 2023

New York, NY, USA

It’s sauntering time again

Great Saunter, Shorewalkers, hiking, Manhattan, New York

Spring birds and bugs

Spring birds and bugs

East Lyme, CT, USA

Pictures of birds and insects from East Lyme, CT

birds, shorebirds, insects

Birds and bunnies

Birds and bunnies

East Lyme, CT, USA

Pictures of birds and animals from East Lyme, CT

birds, shorebirds, rabbits

Smogapocalypse 2023

Smogapocalypse 2023

New York, NY, USA

Smoky days in New York City

smog, pollution, wildfires

Old Croton Aqueduct Trail

Old Croton Aqueduct Trail

Ossining, NY, USA

Pictures from the Old Croton Aqueduct Trail, NY

aqueducts, weirs, bridges

North-west aerial

North-west aerial


Aerial photographs from the north-western United States

aerial photography, landscapes, rivers, lakes

Discovery Park

Discovery Park

Seattle, WA, USA

Photographs from Seattle’s Discovery Park

Seattle, landscapes, parks



Seattle, WA, USA

Miscellaneous photos from Seattle

Seattle, Lake Washington, Seattle Center

Seattle street art

Seattle street art

Seattle, WA, USA

Photographs of wall art, graffiti and other art from Seattle

Seattle, graffiti, wall art

The Seaside

The Seaside

Waterford, CT, USA

Pictures of the disused Seaside tuberculosis sanatorium in Waterford, CT

buildings, ruins, sanatoria

East Lyme July

East Lyme July

East Lyme, CT, USA

Pictures of landscapes and animals from East Lyme, CT

landscapes, birds, insects

Manhattan night

Manhattan night

New York, NY, USA

Pictures of Manhattan by night taken from the East River

skylines, Manhattan, night

New York from the water

New York from the water

New York, NY, USA

Pictures of New York City taken from the water.

skylines, Manhattan, New York

Fall sea and sky

Fall sea and sky

East Lyme, CT, USA

Photographs of skies and sea from East Lyme, CT.

sunsets, landscapes, sea

Shore birds and animals

Shore birds and animals

East Lyme, CT, USA

Photographs of animals and birds taken on the shore in Connecticut.

animals, birds

Assorted insects

Assorted insects

East Lyme, CT, USA

Macro photographs of insects including bees, wasps and mantises.

insects, bees, wasps

FDR Drive flooding

FDR Drive flooding

New York, NY, USA

Pictures of flooding on the FDR Drive in Lower Manhattan

flooding, Manhattan, New York

Urban Swim 2023

Urban Swim 2023

New York, NY, USA

Photographs from 2023 Urban Swim events in New York City

swimming, Urban Swim, New York

October mood 2023

October mood 2023

East Lyme, CT, USA

Photographs taken in East Lyme, CT in October

autumn, fall, seascapes, birds

Halloween Dog Parade 2023

Halloween Dog Parade 2023

New York, NY, USA

Photographs taken at the Halloween Dog Parade in Tompkins Square Park

dogs, costumes, Halloween

Green-Wood Cemetery

Green-Wood Cemetery

New York, NY, USA

Photographs taken in Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn

cemeteries, Brooklyn, New York, autumn

ESCR 2023

ESCR 2023

New York, NY, USA

Where are we with the East Side Coastal Resiliency project?

New York, ESCR, East River Park

Music 2023

Music 2023

New York, NY, USA

Photographs of bands and artists in New York during 2023.

music, bands, musicians, rock bands

Casbah of Algiers

Casbah of Algiers

Algiers, Algeria

Photographs taken in the casbah, Algiers.

Algiers, Algeria, casbahs