In my spare time, I manage a number of websites for a mix of friends, family, and paying customers. Two such sites belong to a gentleman by the pseudonym of Lovat Stephen, to whom I have the great good fortune to be related. Both Mr Stephen's sites have had a makeover this year. Earlier this year, I relaunched the website of the Salamander Oasis Trust; today, at long last, there is a new version of Mr Lovat Stephen's wine blog. It may not look particularly fancy, but there's a lot going on behind the scenes and it's full of subtle Web 2.0-ish goodness.
The next sites to get a fresh coat of paint — once I've finished all the websites I'm supposed to be doing for other people — should be this site, and my original vanity site at, which hasn't been updated in more than five years and is looking sadly 1997-ish.
Amusingly, someone just wrote to me offering to buy the domain and all the content on it (photographs, texts etc) for the princely sum of $500. This seems a somewhat paltry offer for a site that is the top-ranked result for Google searches for "Inca Trail" (and averages more than 90,000 visitors a month), but I'm afraid that the extreme shabbiness of the site may have led him to believe that I had lost interest in it.
It's high time I did something about that.