Urban Swim 2022
New York, NY, USA
This year marks my tenth year of being a volunteer photographer for Urban Swim, an organization that runs open-water swimming events in the waters around New York City. Started by two friends of mine, Urban Swim promotes swimming in city waters, and advocates for clean water initiatives. They run multiple events in New York each year, from short swims in the East River all the way up to their signature swim, the 17-mile Rose Pitonof Swim from 23rd Street in Manhattan to Brooklyn’s Coney Island.
It’s always fun to go along and take pictures. The swimmers are a fascinating bunch, from every background, age group and body type imaginable. Some are locals, some are not; in recent years, student athletes from as far away as South Africa and Brazil have even come to New York to take part.
Maybe one year I’ll even put down my camera and get in the water myself. Maybe …