Power of the people
A man holds a sign at a protest in Union Square
Raised fist
A protestor raises his fist at a Black Lives Matter protest
Stop the Plan
Two men hold a banner in East River Park
Get behind me
A white protestor holds a sign during a Black Lives Matter protest
Climate change protester
A protester lies on his back on the FDR Drive
March in the Park
A protest march approaches the East River Park Amphitheater
With the tree
A protester stands by a tree in East River Park
Two women write on a paper tape around a tree
Flowers and fists
Raised fists hold flowers at a protest in Union Square
Sleeping dragon
Climate change protesters form a chain across the FDR Drive
Hands up don’t shoot
A young woman raises her hands at a Black Lives Matter protest
Protest in the park
Protesters gather in Manhattan's East River Park