Market square
Marketplace in Beni Isguen in the late afternoon
Ghardaia houses
Houses in the interior of the ksour in Ghardaia
Parked motorcycles in a street in the ksour of Ghardaia
Ksour doors
Doorways in the ksour of Beni Isguen
Beni Isguen
Ksour of Beni Isguen seen from the Trans-Sahara Highway
Ghardaia shops
Shops around the Place du Marché in Ghardaia
Sidi Ibrahim Mosque
The subterranean Sidi Ibrahim mosque at El Atteuf
Ghardaia mosque
View of the Great Mosque of Ghardaia
Zeliva Tower
Watch tower in the vicinity of Beni Isguen
Ghardaia street
Street in the ksour of Ghardaia
Beni Isguen buildings
Two-story buildings in the marketplace in Beni Isguen
Arched alleyway in El Atteuf