Cross and graffiti
A performer dressed as Jesus carries a cross past a graffiti-covered truck
An actor playing the part of Jesus carries a cross
Performers in a Good Friday procession are reflected in a puddle
On Pitt Street
Actors take part in a procession for Good Friday on New York’s Lower East Side
Jesus crosses Delancey
Actors in the Good Friday procession cross Delancey Street
Cross bearer
A young man playing the part of Jesus in a Good Friday procession carries a cross
Pitt Street
Worshippers and performers in a Good Friday procession on the Lower East Side
Seventh Station
The crowd prays as Jesus lies on Pitt Street after falling
Station Eleven
An actor playing Jesus lies on a wooden cross on Rivington Street
Jesus and Simon
Actors playing the part of Jesus and Simon of Cyrene kneel on Delancey Street
A Good Friday procession halts on Delancey Street
Jesus and soldiers
Actors dressed as Jesus and Roman soldiers in a Good Friday procession