Mural by LNY
Mural of two bearded men by artist LNY
Growing Together
Detail of a mural by Pixel Pancho
Black Sheep
Mural of a robot family by artist Pixel Pancho
Untitled mural
Mural of a woman in a headdress by artist Nate Frizzell
Jersey City Crown
Detail of a mural by Beau Stanton
Artists on ladders
Two muralists work side by side at the Jersey City Mural Arts Festival
Jersey City Wave
Mural created for the Jersey City Mural Arts Program by Shepard Fairey
Detail of a mural
Close-up of a mural at the Jersey City Mural Arts Festival
Paint roller
An artist uses a roller to apply paint to a mural in progress
Muralist at work
A muralist paints a design at the Jersey City Mural Arts Festival
An artist adds paint to a decorated wall
Colorful wall
An artist paints a wall at the Jersey City Mural Arts Festival