A small dog wears sunglasses at the Halloween Dog Parade
His Excellency
A spaniel wears a mitre at the Halloween Dog Parade
Lion dog
A small dog dressed as a lion at the Halloween Dog Parade
Red tulle
A small dog in costume at the Halloween Dog Parade
Pug flower
The head of a pug emerges from a painted cardboard disk
Miss Doggy
A dog dressed as Miss Piggy of the Muppets
Tennis visor
A small terrier wears a tennis visor at the Halloween Dog Parade
Dachshund in a decorated stroller
Wonder Yorkie
A Yorkshire Terrier wears a Wonder Woman costume at the Halloween Dog Parade
Pinhead the Dogobite
A small dog wears a costume inspired by the film Hellraiser
A bulldog dressed as a guitarist at the Halloween Dog Parade
White Witch
A West Highland White Terrier in witch's costume