Filling station
A roadside filling station with bottles of gasoline
Small girl with ice lolly
Lucille Ballistic
Manhattan Mayhem skater Lucille Ballistic in action
Warm up
Bronx Gridlock skater Bonnie Thunders warms up
Suzy Hotrod
Queens of Pain captain Suzy Hotrod at Hunter College
Betelnut girl
Art installation by Annamarie Ho
Speed McQueen
Bronx Gridlock skater Speed McQueen smiles for the camera
Betelnut girls
Art installation by Taiwanese artist Annamarie Ho
Betelnut girl
Art installation by Annamarie Ho
Watching the parade
Young girl taking picture with cellphone
The pack
Skaters from the Bronx Gridlock and the Queens of Pain compete at Hunter College
A child lights candles at the Cathedral of Holy Virgin Protection