Decorative lamp
Decorative lamp and ceiling
Purple decoration
Large decoration in the shape of a lightbulb at Hudson Yards
Images of agriculture
Decorative elements on a government building in Oran
Vessel reflections
Reflective panels on The Vessel at Hudson Yards
Fish at sunset
Street decorations in Barceloneta
Decorated gables
Decoration of modern vihara at Wat Ek Phnom
Decorated columns
Papyrus pillars in the Great Hypostyle Hall
Decorated wall
Wall and window. madrasa of Sultan Al-Nassir Mohammed Ibn Qalawun
Band in Plaça Rovira
A band performs in Plaça de Rovira i Trias
Carrer de la Llibertat
Film-themed decorations in the Carrer de la Llibertat
Decorated ceiling
Elaborately decorated ceiling in Beiteddine Palace
Palais de la Bahia
Decorated ceiling in the Palais de la Bahia