Blue dragon
People in the crowd react to a blue Chinese dragon at the Chinese New Year parade
Armored couple
A man and a woman in costume ride on a float in the Chinese New Year parade
Beauty queens
Two models wave to the crowd
A man in costume emerges from smoke created by fireworks
Chinese lion
Close-up of a lion's head at the Chinese New Year parade
Going home
A young man carries the head of a lion costume
Confetti cannons
Participants in the New Year parade scatter confetti
Miss Chinese Beauty
Winners of the Miss Chinese Beauty Pageant ride in a convertible
Man with picture
A man in a hat holds a picture frame containing a painted character
Crimson Kings
Members of a youth marching band line up
Filming the dance
A man uses a smartphone to record a lion dance
Red convertible
Beauty pageant winners ride in an open-topped car on East Broadway