Colorful costume
Woman wearing feathered costume, Notting Hill Carnival
Dancer with flag
Girl holding the Jamaican flag
Man at carnival
Marcher, Notting Hill Carnival
Dancer in green
Man in green headdress and costume, Notting Hill Carnival
“Jesus is Lord”
Christian group at Notting Hill Carnival
A child slides down the banked track of the Velódromo de Montevideo
Woman in blue
Woman in blue costume, Notting Hill Carnival
Red, green and yellow
Woman in feathered headdress, Notting Hill Carnival
Policeman wearing peaked cap and plastic flowers
Members of the group La Gran Muñeca at the Velódromo de Montevideo
Murguista in red
A member of the murga group Falta y Resto addresses the audience
Carnival mask
A young man in a Dominican carnival mask