A child slides down the banked track of the Velódromo de Montevideo
Members of the group La Gran Muñeca at the Velódromo de Montevideo
La Gran Muñeca
La Gran Muñeca performs at the Velódromo de Montevideo
Murguista in red
A member of the murga group Falta y Resto addresses the audience
Tablado mural
Mural showing drummers and dancers
Falta y Resto
The murga group Falta y Resto performs at the Velódromo de Montevideo
Murguista with mate
A musician from the murga group Los Patos Cabreros drinks yerba mate
Los Patos Cabreros
Members of the murga group Los Patos Cabreros sing at the Velódromo de Montevideo
Performer from the murga group Falta y Resto
Members of Falta y Resto sing at the Velódromo de Montevideo