Two young women in Ukrainian-inspired costumes at the Easter Parade
Handbag hat
A bearded man wearing an elaborate bonnet
Floral hat
A woman wears a bonnet made of roses
Easter outfits
Two men pose for pictures after the Easter Parade
Woman in yellow
Woman wearing yellow hat and jacket
Three women pose for pictures in front of the doors of St Patrick's Cathedral
Woman in feathered bonnet
A young woman wears a feathered bonnet at the Easter Parade
Dressed for Easter
Two women in Easter costume
Rabbit trilby
A bearded man wears a white trilby with rabbit ears at the Easter Parade
Black lace
A woman wearing a lacy black bonnet smiles at the Easter Parade
A woman wearing a broad bonnet with a checkerboard pattern smiles for the camera
White outfit
A young woman wears a broad brimmed white hat and matching outfit at the Easter Parade