Street art
Painted figure on a wall
Chess set
Outsize chess figures in a park in La Boca
Waiting for a bus
A woman waits for a bus in La Boca at night
Political mural
Mural on Avenida Pedro Mendoza
Dirt road
Dirt road at dusk near Las Rabonas
Blue house
House with colored shutters, El Caminito
Centro Cívico
Centro Cívico del Bicentenario reflected in the adjacent pool
Cabildo courtyard
Interior courtyard of the Cabildo de Córdoba
Pewter mugs
Chased maté mugs for sale
Caleta Valdés
View of coastline at Caleta Valdés
Adult guanaco in Península Valdés
Blue and yellow
House painted in the colors of Boca Juniors