12th Avenue
Painted wall and elevated roadway
Heavy haulers
Self-propelled modular transporters carrying the new Delancey Street bridge
Monumental arch
Monumental arch at the Al-Bass archaeological site
Bridge on location
Aerial view of the Delancey Street bridge before installation
Local residents watch the installation of the Delancey Street bridge
Serail of Youssef Chehab
Internal courtyard of the serail
Algiers market
Market on the rue Charedib
Natural rock arches on the beach at Legzira
The Bronx
View across the Harlem River to the Bronx from Highbridge Park
Natural rock arch
A natural rock arch on the beach at Legzira
Arched alleyway in El Atteuf
Silhouetted bridges
The Hell Gate Bridge and Robert F. Kennedy Bridge