St Pancras Hotel
Courtyard and façade of the St Pancras Renaissance London Hotel
Deir Mar-Lishaa
Distant view of the monastery of St Elisha
Man in a white suit
A man wearing a white suit and hat climbs the stairs at 207th Street
St. Casimir
Dome of the church of St. Casimir
Solitary eater
A man eats his lunch on the steps of St John the Divine
Boarded-up shops on Canal Street
St Mary the Virgin
View of the church of St Mary the Virgin
St John's
Tower of St John's Church
St Mary’s, Stoke Newington
Spire of St Mary’s Church in Stoke Newington
Façade of St. Casimir
The façade of the church of St. Casimir
Window with doves
Doves on the window of St Mary the Virgin
St Andrew's
Tower of St Andrew's Church